When I Was A Human

Movie to raise your paws for being you

Project type: Fiction Feature
Project status: Development
Executive Producer/Director: Akemi K. Tosto
Producer: Tyler Condon
Producer: Maho Morita
Associate Producer: Jorge Agraz
Website: wheniwasahuman.com
Facebook: @WIWAHtheMovie
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Indy, an ex-shelter dog who magically transforms into a human with the aid of a miracle dog biscuit, embarks on a comical journey to win back his owner’s affection and ends up rediscovering himself and what love is along the way.


In the whimsical world of When I Was A Human, Indy, a lovable mutt stuck at the local shelter, yearns for a loving home. Fate smiles at Indy when Kimmy adopts him, making him a cherished part of her family and even forming a bond with Spike, a misunderstood pit bull, their neighbor’s dog.

Life couldn’t be better… until Kimmy starts dating Jared, a rocker with a questionable agenda.

Terrified of losing Kimmy, and in a twist of fate, Indy accepts a Miracle Dog Biscuit from a mysterious fairy and turns into a human overnight. Armed with opposable thumbs and a newfound ability to speak, Indy is on a mission to prove that Jared isn’t the man he pretends to be. But adjusting to human life is a rollercoaster of hilarious mishaps and lessons. As Indy digs into the truth behind Jared and the enchanted biscuit, he realizes an invaluable lesson: Being loved doesn’t require changing who you are.

Indy returns to Kimmy after transforming back as her furry, loyal sidekick, showing that true love stays unchanged.

Meet the Filmmakers

Akemi K. Tosto – Executive Producer/Director
Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. Akemi achieved recognition as the first Japanese female filmmaker to secure a worldwide distribution agreement with Shorts International, the official distributor for the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences. She also obtained a North American broadcast contract from AT&T/DirecTV for content she personally produced and directed. Akemi focuses on entertaining but also impactful content creation that inspires empathy and spreads compassion through her storytelling.

Tyler Condon – Producer
Tyler, a Chicago native, began his career in documentary television, working on shows for Discovery, National Geographic, and Animal Planet. After moving to LA and producing in-house for Comedy Central, he joined Sneak Preview Entertainment, known for 500 Days of Summer, as Director of Development. He developed a slate of films and co-produced features, including the musical remake of Valley Girl and The Prank, which premiered at SXSW 2022. Tyler is a proud member of the Producers Guild of America.

Maho Morita – Producer
Growing up as the niece of world-renowned film director Nagisa Oshima, Maho was always around the entertainment industry. She flew to America to study English and worked on the set of the HBO series “The Sopranos.” After returning home to Japan, Maho became a film journalist and has been enjoying her success since. In recent years, she is a film critic of TV network shows, a host of special events, and the programming director at the Beppu BlueBird Theatre in Oita Pref, where she founded the Beppu Blue Bird Film Festival.

Jorge Agraz – Associate Producer
Jorge grew up in the United States and Europe and holds degrees in Film Studies and History from Yale University. He has worked in production on commercials and feature films starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin Costner, and David Duchovny, just to name a few. Jorge speaks four languages and is also an expert in technology.

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