Talent Guide
Deia Schlosberg

- Discipline:Director, Producer
- Program Year:CNN Docuseries Intensive 2021
Deia made national news in October, 2016, when she was arrested and charged with 45 years’ worth of felonies for filming a pipeline protest in North Dakota. Deia’s feature directorial debut The Story of Plastic (2019) is currently nominated for an Emmy. Previously, Deia produced Josh Fox’s climate change film, How to Let Go of the World…, and co-produced Awake, a Dream from Standing Rock. Deia earned an MFA in Science & Natural History Filmmaking at Montana State University, where she directed Backyard, which won two student Emmys. In 2019 she was named one of DOC NYC’s 40 under 40.
Current Project
The very ethics of the American economic system are rooted deeply in the idea of “bootstrapping” one’s way to success, making something from nothing in this land of unbounded opportunity. The reality, however, is that the odds of realizing that success are long, and they're heavily stacked against the majority of the population. Could Basic Income revive the American Dream? The BOOTSTRAPS docu-series shows what happens in the lives of everyday Americans when they receive $1,000 a month, no strings attached.