Talent Guide

Jeff Bemiss

  • Discipline:Cinematographer, Director, Producer
  • Program Year:Fast Track 2017


Jeff Bemiss is an award-winning writer/director who has worked in short films, features and documentaries. He wrote and directed “The Book and The Rose,” which won 27 festival awards internationally and was short-listed for the Oscar for Best Short Film. He shot and directed the short documentary “Coaching Colburn” and co-wrote the feature screenplay “A Long Tomorrow” based on a story by Jack Finney (“Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” “Time and Again”). In May, he directed a 25-minute dramatic web series pilot entitled “Dream House.” Bemiss also freelances for disability and social activist clients including The Kate Foundation, The Rett Syndrome Research Trust, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Current Project

Missing in Brooks County


In a small town in Texas, the border wall has already arrived.