Talent Guide

Nicole Karsin

  • Discipline:Director, Producer
  • Program Year:Documentary Lab 2011


Nicole Karsin moved to Bogota to cover Colombia’s armed conflict and humanitarian crisis as a correspondent for a U.S. audience in 2002. She has reported for the New York Times, Village Voice, San Francisco Chronicle, NPR and Pacifica Radio among others. While working as an independent journalist in radio, print and photography, Karsin began producing and directing digital films. She formed Todos Los Pueblos Productions LLC (All the Peoples’ Productions) in 2007 to move audiences to action through artful, character-driven films about global struggles for human rights and dignity. In 2008, NextPix selected We Women Warriors for the “firstPix” grant for an opera primi representing humanistic media. Karsin holds a Bachelor of the Arts from Sarah Lawrence College and a Masters of Science from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. She recently relocated to her native town of Los Angeles, CA where she is completing We Women Warriors.

Current Project



We Women Warriors is a documentary feature profiling three valiant female leaders who guide us through Colombia's war-torn native nations, illuminating heroic struggles for indigenous rights, justice and dignity. http://www.wewomenwarriors.com