Binge Viewers Unite! Or At Least Confess (We did.)

Mad Men seasons 1-5: one week. Orange Is the New Black: 72hrs. The Killing season 1: 24 hours. —Kady Kamakate, Executive Assistant
Because I have a young daughter, I possess a knowledge of Wonder Pets that can only be explained as a symptom of extreme binge viewing. –Josh Welsh, President
I devoured all five seasons of Friday Night Lights during the first trimester of my first pregnancy. I cried at the end of almost every episode. I’ll blame that on the hormones. –Jennifer Kushner, Director of Artist Development
Mad Men seasons 1-4 in 4 days. #dontjudgeme –Evelyn Rascon, Development Assistant
Lars von Trier’s eight-episode miniseries The Kingdom, consumed all in one sitting, in part due to a theme song that refused to be ignored or turned off. –Doug Jones, Associate Director of Programming
Seasons 4 and 5, Sons of Anarchy, 2 days! —Rosalind Williams, Finance & Admin Assistant
The Most Popular Girls in School It’s like Mean Girls, except dirtier with stop animated Barbies. All of the episodes in one evening. —Mike Piacentini, Data & Web Manager
I took a week-long staycation and decided it would be a good use of my time to lay in bed and watch seasons 1-4 of Breaking Bad and eat chicken nuggets. I also introduced my parents to the first two episodes of Lost. I called them two weeks later to see how they liked the first season and they said they had gone through all six seasons. –Ryan Gilden, Graphic Designer
In Treatment, season 1 (43 episodes) in one week. —Michael Lopez, Director of Institutional Giving & Strategic Partnerships
Breaking Bad seasons 1-4 in one week when I broke my ankle and was bedridden. —Lee Jameson, Film Education Coordinator
I binge-viewed the entire series of The Wire in less than three weeks. A year later my wife started watching it, and I was sucked back in. We watched whole series in less than two weeks. Too much good. —Evan Ward-Henninger, Membership Manager
Downton Abbey seasons 1 and 2 in three days. Considered calling in sick to stay home and watch (only half joking!). –Natalie Rodriguez, Development Associate, Special Projects
24 seasons 1 and 2. I burned through 4 or 5 episodes a night. It felt like a drug habit: “OK, this is the last episode I’m watching tonight,” only to say that two or three more times. —Paul Cowling, Associate Director of Film Education
It’s so many… My binges usually are watching three to four episodes a night, every night of the week until I am done with whatever is available online from one series. Breaking Bad (Season 5 in three nights)… Mad Men… Lost I know that I am binging when I wake up and can’t wait for it to be night time to get to the next episode(s). —María Raquel Bozzi, Director of Film Education
Season 2 of Homeland in two evenings. —Patty Davis, Executive & Board Relations Coordinator
The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret and Spaced — both available on Netflix, in their entirety. Both shows in one sitting —time I’ll gladly never get back. —Greg Longstreet, Manager, Publicity & Communications
Tell us, Bug-Eyed Bingers: What’s your record?